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Master your mindset and you'll master your trading. Learn how Mindset Reflexology helps you transform into a calm, disciplined and impartial trader.


What Is Mindset Reflexology?

Many years ago i came upon the 'great awakening' with my own trading. That the keys to sustainable and consistently profitable trading were not going to be found amongst a never ending search for a system 'holy grail'. They were to be found hiding in plain sight ... inside my own brain.

This was mind blowing to say the least!

From this moment forward i began constructing the proprietary methodology that was to evolve into what i today call Mindset Reflexology ... the process of training my mind/brain into unconscious competence [Stage 5 of Trading Mastery].

Contrary to popular belief past successes in life have little bearing on what is required to succeed at trading. For me this involved reconstructing the mind i brought to trading.


Mindset Reflexology is my 3-part intensive program to reshape your mind into one much better equipped to prosper in the uniquely challenging game of trading. So you have the tools and the process needed to train your brain to 'reflex' to the best psychological process for emotional control and trade execution/managament.


Part 1 - UNCOVER - Emotional Regulation and Mastery

Before mastering trading psychology, first you must master your emotions. The notion of removing or avoiding our emotions is utterly false and has led many aspiring traders down the wrong path. We should accept the biological fact that we are NOT rational beings who have emotions, we ARE emotional beings who then rationalise them. There has never been a Master Trader who isn't also a master of his/her emotions.

Part 2 - UNLOCK - Applied Mindfulness and Reorganisation of Your Potential

Before any substantial inner work can be done first comes the awareness that you and your thoughts are not the single phenomena you have been led to believe and accept unquestioningly. This opens the door to mindfulness and awakeing your 'inner observer of self'. From here we go on a journey of discovery and transformation to uncover your inner Trading Master [we all have one]. You will learn how to identify and reorganise your potential into a new version of yourself, the best version of yourself. The version destined for self mastery.

Part 3 - UNLEASH - Memory Enrichment

Now that you have uncovered the true path to your full trading potential it's time go deeper and start the reconstruction. This is where the mind science really kicks in. This is where we start working on the new and improved 'best self' attributes needed for you to ascend to trading utopia. They include Discipline, Courage, Self Soothing and Impartiality. We will need to uncover and resolve your limiting self beliefs that have been showing up unconsciously in your trading. This process involves giving new meaning to old events, events that have helped shape who you but no longer serve you. We will also be 'pulling forward' times in your life where you have shown up as your best self and using these as part of your training.

"The world of developing a powerful mindset is not just important but essential in creating the life you deserve. So why would you risk going to just anyone? In a short time, Ash has become my go-to resource for how to expand my mindset and thinking. And the reason is two words: "Scholar-Practitioner" While many on social media tout their studies and knowledge, Ash lives it. His life has been dedicated to the expansion of self which in return has created both a successful business and a committed following. Ash's wisdom is only matched by his huge heart and stands for other people's greatness and success. I trust him both as a professional, peer and guide. If you are seeking to expand your business, then it starts with your mindset and that begins with contacting Ash."

Joshua MILLER | Fortune 500 Executive Coach | TEDx speaker

I’d like to highly recommend Ash Playsted to anyone seeking a professional coach, consultant or mentor looking to unlock their untapped potential. Ash has a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the human psyche and its incredible relevance and potential in helping you discover your greatest asset- your mind. Ash has an airtight brand and message that challenges you to look within to unleash your dormant wisdom, courage and power. He is not merely another professional sounding the drum of positive energy. He brings a depth of knowledge, a mindset and an approach toward problem-solving that breeds confidence in others. His consistent support and empathy for all people combined with his critical insights, keen observations and concise purpose make him an ideal candidate for anyone needing a “bulletproof mindset.”

Bryan REMO | Relationship Expert | Lighter Love

"To say Ash is the master of the mind would be an understatement. His knowledge seems to know no limits, and the insight he shares you just want to collate to read over and over again. Ash has amazing depth of experience behind him, so it is no surprise that a conversation with him will open your mind! Just follow for his incredible work, or reach out if you want to grow to the next level."

Liz JONES | Certified Wellness Specialist

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